The only reason the book caught my attention was, I recently watched the Republican debates, which included Carly. I decided to purchase the book, and the next day I began reading.
I am 1/3 of the way through the book, and I find Carly to be a woman who worked hard in her rise to the top. She experienced tough battles as she moved ahead in her career. Although I am definitely not in the same position as Carly, her story resonates with my life.
In my late 20's I accepted my first sales executive job and was surprised to find, I was the only woman in the outside sales division. Years later I accepted a sales executive job with another company and once again I was the only woman in the sales division. It was common to hear comments like, "Nancy if you wear a shorter skirt you will sell more." Or, if I sold more than a man and he was feeling insecure, "Nancy the only reason you sell more than I do, is because you wear a skirt!"
In my early 40's I attended a conservative christian university, working on my BS in Pastoral Ministries and once again found myself in the minority. It was during my time at the university where I learned to stand. I learned to stay in, and not back down in conversations, which were predominately geared to the male gender. I learned to stand and not back down when another student would approach me and aggressively try to persuade me to change my major.
I learned to walk away from crude, rude nasty remarks. I learned to not attack back, but request respect as a fellow student. I learned with God by my side, I can get through anything, even when someone spits at my feet or chases me in a parking lot.
Carly's book is confirming that I am not the only woman who is in a battle. My battle continues on today and I am not backing down, or retreating.
In daily life in the USA, it is common for me to be told, "Nancy you are to aggressive!" Or, "Nancy you are to soft!" "Nancy, you need to back off and be quiet!" Or, "Nancy you need to speak up!" How is a woman to handle the confusion? As a christian woman, I am careful who I counsel with and I am careful who I bring close into my life. I am a transparent woman, and will continue to live this way.
Part 2- On December 21, 2015, I watched a video on CNN, "The Man Behind Carly Fiorina Opens Up." This video touched my heart strings and brought a smile to my lips. Frank supports his wife, and this does not make him less of a man. He knows who he is, and is willing to support her. In fact I see him as a strong man. I see him as a stronger man, than one who pushes woman around and out of the way.
Political yes, I am political, because I live in the USA and in this country I am given the right to vote. Who will I vote for? I am not sure, but as I prepare to make my decision I will be listening and I will be praying. In fact, this week I am praying for Frank and Carly.
Important Note- The video I mention above is no longer available.
Important Note- The video I mention above is no longer available.